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A collection of solutions, ideas, and insights into problems you probably didn't know existed with Modern Endpoint Management products.

Risk Based Windows 11 Feature Update Deployment - Improvements

An unexpected update to the Windows 11 Feature Update deployment series, looking at how to tag users instead of devices, and an improved way to get the readiness report data, and other performance improvements. What a day.

Converting AppLocker Policies to Intune Profiles

We know that there is no native configuration for AppLocker in Intune, and we should be looking at App Control for Business already, but there is still a place for AppLocker, and I haven’t got time to manually do anything, so let’s use PowerShell to create out AppLocker policies from exported XML files.

Scheduling Defender for macOS Antivirus Scans in Intune

You’d think creating Defender antivirus scan schedules should be pretty easy, even if the devices you’re working with are running macOS. Why are we having to create mobileconfig files for this in Microsoft Intune? Surely we can make this a little better?