
Creating and Assigning App Categories the Smart Way

Everyone likes managing clients apps in Microsoft Intune, the grind of packing Windows apps, the chore of selecting Managed Google Play apps, the joy of assigning Apple VPP app licenses in Apple Business Manager…all good fun.

What about assigning App Categories, do you want to be manually updating hundreds of Apps with categories? Let’s make one laborious task, less laborious, with a hacky PowerShell script.

Microsoft Intune comes with a number of in-built App Categories, that you can assign to a subset of Applications, to make it easier for users to find the apps they need using the Company Portal.

Company Portal
The Company Portal.

As these are designed for use in the Company Portal, not all Apps can have categories assigned to them, mainly Managed Google Play apps, everything else we’ll have a crack at.

The original list of categories is a little limited, and might not fit your application estate.

Original App Categories
Original Microsoft Intune App Categories.

So we should do something about this.

You could just create new app categories using Microsoft Intune, but I’m not sure that’s as exciting as you think it is, so we’ll do this the sensible way and script it. To do this, we will need a way to get the existing App Categories (so we don’t create duplicates) and of course a way to create new ones.

As always, it’s time for some authentication to Graph API and using the trusted Authentication function we’ve used time and time before.

Connect to Graph using the latest module and Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All'.

We’ll be using the GET /deviceAppManagement/mobileAppCategories part of Graph for most of this, and the List option to get all existing categories using the function below.


Function Get-AppCategory() {


    $graphApiVersion = "Beta"
    $Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileAppCategories"

    try {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
            (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri-Method Get).Value
    catch {
        Write-Error $Error[0].ErrorDetails.Message

Sticking with mobileAppCategories section of Graph and using the POST /deviceAppManagement/mobileAppCategories to create new App Categories, we can push new App Categories to Microsoft Intune and all we need is the below function and a name of the category.


Function Add-AppCategory() {


    $graphApiVersion = "Beta"
    $Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileAppCategories"

    try {
        if ($Name -eq "" -or $null -eq $Name) {
            write-host "No name specified, please specify valid Name for the App Category..." -f Red
        else {
            $Output = New-Object -TypeName psobject
            $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "@odata.type" -Value "#microsoft.graph.mobileAppCategory"
            $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "displayName" -Value $Name

            $JSON = $Output | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3

            Test-JSON -JSON $JSON

            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri-Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType "application/json"
    catch {
        Write-Error $Error[0].ErrorDetails.Message

So we have a way to create new App Categories in Microsoft Intune, so we’re a third of the way there, we now need a way to get Mobile Apps, get the App Categories assigned to the Mobile Apps, and then add new App Categories. This all seemed more straightforward when I first started this.

Oh we do love Graph here don’t we…more use of Graph and in particular GET /deviceAppManagement/mobileApps, we’ll use this to get existing Mobile Apps, be warned though, this resource type will pull back all apps, whether Client Apps or Mobile Application Managed Apps, so we’ll need to use some filtering further down the line.


Function Get-MobileApps() {
    $graphApiVersion = 'Beta'
    $Resource = 'deviceAppManagement/mobileApps'
    try {
        $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
            (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri-Method Get).Value
    catch {
        Write-Error $Error[0].ErrorDetails.Message

We will also need to get the App Categories assigned to each Mobile App, as I thought best we have an option to remove some categories as well as add them.


Function Get-MobileAppsCategory() {
    $graphApiVersion = 'Beta'
    $Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/$Id/categories"
    try {
        if ($Id -eq '' -or $null -eq $Id) {
            Write-Host 'No Id specified, please specify valid Id for the Mobile App...' -f Red
        else {
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
            (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri-Method Get).Value
    catch {
        Write-Error $Error[0].ErrorDetails.Message

Not to hammer the point home, but you could go through each Mobile App and assign the new categories, and if you truly hate yourself, feel free to do this manually. However, we should continue on this scripting path and finish the job we started.

More functions to play with, this time one to assign App Categories to a Mobile App, nothing special here but we’ll need to pass through the $Id of the Mobile App and the $CategoryId of the Category.

One little weird one here, need to through in a $ref at the end of the uri for the call to Graph, shout out to the Intune Support Team on YouTube for this bit of information.


Function Add-MobileAppCategory() {
    $graphApiVersion = 'Beta'
    $Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/$Id/categories/`$ref"
    try {
        if ($Id -eq '' -or $null -eq $Id) {
            Write-Host 'No Mobile App ID specified, please specify valid Id for the Mobile App ID...' -f Red
        elseif ($CategoryId -eq '' -or $null -eq $CategoryId) {
            Write-Host 'No App Category ID specified, please specify valid ID for the App Category...' -f Red
        else {
            $value = "$graphApiVersion/deviceAppManagement/mobileAppCategories/$CategoryId"
            $Output = New-Object -TypeName psobject
            $Output | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '' -Value $value
            $JSON = $Output | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3
            Test-JSON -JSON $JSON
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri-Method Post -Body $JSON -ContentType 'application/json'
    catch {
        Write-Error $Error[0].ErrorDetails.Message

Last function for today, one to remove the App Category from a Mobile App…we’ll use this one later on.


Function Remove-MobileAppCategory() {
    $graphApiVersion = 'Beta'
    $Resource = "deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/$Id/categories/$CategoryId/`$ref"
    try {
        if ($Id -eq '' -or $null -eq $Id) {
            Write-Host 'No Mobile App ID specified, please specify valid Id for the Mobile App ID...' -f Red
        elseif ($CategoryId -eq '' -or $null -eq $CategoryId) {
            Write-Host 'No App Category ID specified, please specify valid ID for the App Category...' -f Red
        else {
            $uri = "$graphApiVersion/$($Resource)"
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $uri-Method Delete
    catch {
        Write-Error $Error[0].ErrorDetails.Message

The likelihood is that creation of App Categories is going to be a one-off task, but the assignment and removal of the categories might be a regular occurrence in your Microsoft Intune environment, so I thought we’d deal with four differing use cases:

  • Creation of new App Categories: Upload a CSV file with the new categories in
  • Creation of new App Categories and Assign the App Categories: still a CSV upload but follows on with assignment options
  • Assign App Categories: plain assignment of categories to Mobile Apps
  • Removal of Assign App Categories: Ronseal

So we’ll use a simple prompt and choice option in the script to set the $setting variable, and use this to denote what actions we take.


Write-Host '********************************************************************************'
Write-Host '****    Welcome to the Microsoft Intune App Category and Assignment Tool    ****' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host '****    This Script will add new app categories and assign them             ****' -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host '********************************************************************************'
Write-Host ' Please Choose one of the options below: ' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ' (1) Upload a CSV of new App Categories...' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ' (2) Upload a CSV of new App Categories and assign App Categories to Apps...' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ' (3) Assign App Categories to Apps...' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ' (4) Remove Assigned App Categories from Apps...' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ' (E) EXIT SCRIPT ' -ForegroundColor Red
$Choice_Number = ''
$Choice_Number = Read-Host -Prompt 'Based on which option you want to run, please type 1, 2 or E to exit the script, then hit enter '
while ( !($Choice_Number -eq '1' -or $Choice_Number -eq '2' -or $Choice_Number -eq '3' -or $Choice_Number -eq '4' -or $Choice_Number -eq 'E')) {
    $Choice_Number = Read-Host -Prompt 'Invalid Option, Based on which option you want to run, please type 1, 2, 3, 4 or E to exit the test, then click enter '
if ($Choice_Number -eq 'E') {
if ($Choice_Number -eq '1') {
    $Setting = 'Upload'
if ($Choice_Number -eq '2') {
    $Setting = 'Upload/Assign'
if ($Choice_Number -eq '3') {
    $Setting = 'Assign'
if ($Choice_Number -eq '4') {
    $Setting = 'Remove'

Because we now have the variable to play with, we can use some wonderful if statements to deal with the options depending on what has been selected when running the script:

  • Upload
  • Assign
  • Remove

The below goes into more detail on how each option is handled by the script.

This section will prompt for a CSV file containing new App Categories, make sure you’ve got a heading of ‘Name’ in this file, otherwise things will be painful for you.


Web Browsers
Media Players
Data Management

Once uploaded the script will check for existing App Categories of the same name, safely ignore any it finds, and create new ones.


if ($Setting -like '*Upload*') {
    $CSVPath = Read-Host 'Please provide the path to the CSV file containing a list of App Categories e.g. C:\temp\appcategories.csv'
    if (!(Test-Path "$CSVPath")) {
        Write-Host "Import Path for CSV file doesn't exist" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Script can't continue" -ForegroundColor Red
    else {
        $AppCategories = Import-Csv -Path $CSVPath
    $CurrentAppCategories = (Get-AppCategory).displayName
    foreach ($AppCategory in $AppCategories) {
        if ($AppCategory.Name -in $CurrentAppCategories) {
            Write-Host 'App Category '$AppCategory.Name' already exists...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        else {
            Write-Host 'App Category will be created...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
            try {
                Add-AppCategory -Name $AppCategory.Name | Out-Null
                Write-Host 'App Category '$AppCategory.Name' created...' -ForegroundColor Green
            catch {
                Write-Host 'App Category '$AppCategory.Name' not created...' -ForegroundColor Red

Whether you have uploaded new App Categories, or just want to use the existing ones, now is the time to assign them to the Mobile Apps, so we need a way for you to select not only the Mobile Apps but also the App Categories you want to assign to them. We’ve done this wis a simple Out-Gridview and a variable.


if ($Setting -like '*Assign*') {
    Write-Host 'When prompted, wait for all Mobile Apps to load, then select the App or Apps you want to assign a Category. Use The ENTER Key or Mouse \ OK Button.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleep
    $MobileApps = @(Get-MobileApps | Where-Object { (!($_.'@odata.type').Contains('managed')) -and (!($_.'@odata.type').Contains('android')) } | Select-Object '@odata.type', displayName, publisher, id | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Mobile Apps...')
    Write-Host 'Wait for all App Categories to load, then select the Category or Categories you want to assign to an Application. Use The ENTER Key or Mouse \ OK Button.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleep
    $AddAppCategories = @(Get-AppCategory | Select-Object displayName, id | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Apps Categories...')
    Write-Host 'Starting assignment of Categories to Mobile Apps' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Warning 'Please confirm you are happy to continue assigning categories to applications' -WarningAction Inquire
    foreach ($MobileApp in $MobileApps) {
        $AssignedAppCategories = Get-MobileAppsCategory -Id $
        foreach ($AddAppCategory in $AddAppCategories) {
            if ($AddAppCategory.displayName -in $AssignedAppCategories.displayName) {
                Write-Host ''$AddAppCategory.displayName' category already assigned to '$MobileApp.displayName'' -ForegroundColor Yellow
            else {
                Write-Host 'Adding '$AddAppCategory.displayName' category to '$MobileApp.displayName'...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
                try {
                    Add-MobileAppCategory -Id $ -CategoryId $
                    Write-Host 'Added '$AddAppCategory.displayName' category to '$MobileApp.displayName'...' -ForegroundColor Green
                catch {
                    Write-Host 'Unable to add '$AddAppCategory.displayName' category to '$MobileApp.displayName'...' -ForegroundColor Red

This one is a bit blunt if I’m honest, it prompts you to select the Mobile App/s you want to remove App Categories from, and then removes all of them, bit brutal, but can you be bothered selecting ‘OK’ for each App Category you want removing? Didn’t think so.


if ($setting -eq 'Remove') {
    Write-Host 'When prompted, wait for all Mobile Apps to load, then select the App or Apps you want to remove categories from. Use The ENTER Key or Mouse \ OK Button.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleep
    $MobileApps = @(Get-MobileApps | Where-Object { (!($_.'@odata.type').Contains('managed')) -and (!($_.'@odata.type').Contains('android')) } | Select-Object '@odata.type', displayName, publisher, id | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title 'Select Mobile Apps...')
    foreach ($MobileApp in $MobileApps) {
        $AssignedAppCategories = Get-MobileAppsCategory -Id $
        If (!$AssignedAppCategories) {
            Write-Host 'App '$MobileApp.displayName' has no assigned App Categories...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Else {
            Write-Host 'The following App Categories for App '$MobileApp.displayName' will be removed...' -ForegroundColor Yellow
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleep
            foreach ($AssignedAppCategory in $AssignedAppCategories) {
                Try {
                    Remove-MobileAppCategory -Id $ -CategoryId $
                    Write-Host 'App Category '$AssignedAppCategory.displayName' removed from App '$MobileApp.displayName'' -ForegroundColor Green
                Catch {
                    Write-Host 'Unable to remove App Category '$AssignedAppCategory.displayName' from App '$MobileApp.displayName'' -ForegroundColor Red

As we’ve gone through all of this just to assign some App Categories, I guess now would be the time to provide a link to the script, and show you what it does for each of the options.

Running the script and selecting Option 1:

Script Option 1
The start of the PowerShell script.

The new App Categories available:

New App Categories
New Microsoft Intune App Categories.

Running the script and selecting Option 3:

Script Option 3
The PowerShell script used to assign App Categories.

Selecting the Mobile Apps:

Script Option 3
The PowerShell script selecting mobile apps.

Selecting the App Categories:

Script Option 3
The PowerShell script selecting app categories.

Confirming the assignment of the categories:

Script Option 3
The PowerShell script confirming app categories.

The new App Categories on the Edge Mobile App:

Script Option 3
The new App Categories assigned to Microsoft Edge.

Running the script and selecting Option 4:

Script Option 4
The PowerShell script used to remove App Categories.

Selecting the Mobile Apps:

Script Option 3
The PowerShell script selecting mobile apps.

App Categories being removed:

Script Option 3
The PowerShell script removing app categories.

No more App Categories on the Edge Mobile App:

Script Option 3
The removed App Categories assigned to Microsoft Edge.

I’m impressed that you’ve gotten to the bottom of this page, as there’s way too many functions and screenshots to make the pay off worthwhile, however, what we do have here is a script that can be used regularly to update App Categories, assign them to Mobile Apps, and if you ever have a truly awful day, remove the categories from the apps.

All this to make an end-users life a bit easier in the Company Portal. I think I need to re-evaluate the time I spend writing scripts for user experience benefits.